Home / Essays / 2017 / September / R! - HIC SUNT DRACONES - A/W


für R! by dominique raffa

an vienna fashion week

The Vienna-based fashion label R! By Dominique Raffa works at the intersection of conceptual design,art, technology and social consciousness. The work of R! intently examines material itself. The results of the material itself, scientific models and socio-cultural codes are mapped to the carrier, and combine contemporary urban street wear with traditional and futuristic elements. HIC SVNT DRACONES* – Mathematik versus Magie The current A/W 2017 collection examines the use of open-source-code-based and self-generated embroidery designs in order to deal with loss of control. Causal principles of mathematics with their logical definitions apply to synchronistic principles, quantum physics phenomena and self-fulfilling prophecies. In the end, the style of our inner attitude remains when we meet external limits. THERE ARE DRAGONS: the description of unexplored territories of early cartographies Kamera: Jürg Peterhans Schnitt: David Grohe Soundtrack: Felix Johannes Lange Model: Edina Halac Produktionsassistent: Pierluigi Gonnelli http://stitchcode.com - VISIONARY EMBROIDERY by Andrea Stalder und Michael Aschauer